Saturday, August 7, 2010

The future's as old as anybody

At night
Shiny crown I rose
You take my hand then I lead you
For a penny down my shrine
Till comes time I reveal
Both worthy parts of our woman's love
And let your hand free to grab
My whole kingship and one penny back

Wrong number


So here's to the circus
I was at the last call
Touched for my heart could return unspoiled
In an orphan fashion
I stepped in 
Looked for an ear that'd care for my lies
By no mean doubt about the gold of my silence
Then sensed truth within my soul
I knew I had no less chance and he preferred me
And my fair promises
So here's to the clowns today
Guess a name a birthplace or a sign
Does not reveal sadness or happiness
Nor who hates who and who ignores what